Download Holidays of Kanton Thurgau, Schweiz in 2026
Download all holidays in these place in the year 2026 as an ICS file, that you can later use to import in your calendar software.
Date | Name | Type |
1.1.2026 | Neujahr | public |
2.1.2026 | Berchtoldstag | public |
2.4.2026 | Gründonnerstag | observance |
3.4.2026 | Karfreitag | public |
5.4.2026 | Ostersonntag | public |
6.4.2026 | Ostermontag | public |
1.5.2026 | Tag der Arbeit | public |
10.5.2026 | Muttertag | observance |
14.5.2026 | Auffahrt | public |
24.5.2026 | Pfingstsonntag | public |
25.5.2026 | Pfingstmontag | public |
7.6.2026 | Vätertag | observance |
1.8.2026 | Bundesfeiertag | public |
20.9.2026 | Eidg. Dank-, Buss- und Bettag | public |
25.12.2026 | Weihnachtstag | public |
26.12.2026 | Stephanstag | public |